University of Cambridge

​St. John's College

SGIR Sessions in 2024

American Philosophical Association

Central APA

SGIR Session on Ethics and Dialectics

Chair: Elisa Magri (Boston College)

Christopher Yeomans (Purdue University) “The Dialectic of Provisional Normativity in Kant and Fichte”
Kyla Bruff (Carleton University) “F.W.J. Schelling’s Non-dialectical Approach to Personhood and Virtue Ethics”
Brady Bowman (The Pennsylvania State University) “The Dialectic of Natural and Ethical Life”

The SGIR is now maintaining an open call for nominations for sessions at the APA (Eastern, Central, and Pacific). We welcome nominations from any SGIR member for sessions on a specified topic. Please email nominations to the SGIR-APA director Elisa Magri ( Proposed sessions should include speakers, affiliations, chair, and session topics. In general, we aim to support and facilitate any well-thought out session that falls meaningfully within the scope of the SGIR.

2024 SGIR Conference and Sessions

To view the full conference program, please click on the flyer or here.